neighbourhood part deux
Some of my favourite places are on the Drive, including this minimalist coffee shop called Prado. It's got white walls, wooden floors & tables, white windows, natural blinds to shield latte drinkers and espresso connaisseurs alike from the beaming sun (which happens a lot more than you'd think here in Vancouver!). Also, if you order a cappuccino, the coffee guys (no barista names here) will do the foam/espresso design in the loveliest of swirly patters. They're pros.
I found this reasonable facsimile of a latte you'd find at Prado on the net. Believe it or not, in a gallery of latte art. Cool!
Here we find some additional interesting culinary establishments... including the bakery (which I actually haven't been in but I thought had an interesting sign) and the BEST GELATO PLACE EVER, Dolce Amore. Their product is unbelievable-- a must to visit for every resident and traveler through Vancouver. On the corner of Commercial and whatever the next street North is from 1st.
And finally for now, the view down the lower (more hippy) end of the street. This is the entrance to the hot yoga studio (my own yoga teacher swears hot yoga is ridiculous and not core to the essence of being as other forms) on the drive. Their webmaster/owner seems like quite a nut, but whatever. Anyway, like the retro colouring on this photo? Note the omnipresent hills in the background. More to come later!!
Great Pics!
Hey, I do a Commercial Drive blog called
May I use some of your pics and article on my blog (linking back to your blog, of course!)?
Steve "The Drive Guy" Duncan
February 13, 2007 9:36 PM
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