little girl in the big city... adventures? maybe.

Monday, June 14, 2004

today is the day

Here's the first thing I've written.. the end of the day and my mind is clearly wandering.

So paradise adjacent: i recently moved into my new flat- it's a beautiful place that makes me look forward to coming home after work, sleeping in on the weekend and inviting people over.. someone told me that when they're trying to flog a property near, but not in, a prestigious neighbourhood, like Westmount in Montreal, for instance, they will list in the posting, "Westmount Adjacent".. this means that if you're haughty and really push the geographical boundaries, or if there were suddenly a giant transverse fault and the building shifted, you could be considered 'located in Westmount'. Well, having said that, it seems that from my top floor balcony, with a view into Westmount, no less, it seems like it's rather 'paradise adjacent'..

.. And all I wanted to do was post a comment on Magali's baby's site