little girl in the big city... adventures? maybe.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

flame maple sides

a few notes regarding the 'of late'

- i tried yoga last week. i'm going back on monday.

- we've been spending our moments indulging in various ways. clear lime blackbean soup: delicious; ice cream sundaes dreamt of for 2 years: perhaps overrated. cranberry bran muffins: yumm. movies (half nelson, gridiron gang): a good escape.

- playing ultimate does have its share of psychological elements. if you believe you will catch the disc, you most likely will; otherwise put, if you doubt you will, you won't.

- you can get arrested for appearing to steal your own registered car

- "darkest brown" looks a lot darker after warm caramel highlights than on top of my natural colour, but it's fun to get a hairdo anyway.

- enjoy the sweetness of life where you find it.