I've tagged are my 5 fives
5 items in my fridge:
1. plain organic yogurt. a staple for my soy banana berry shake every weekday morning. and a couple scoops of it for AP's daily breakfast
2. cold-pressed flax seed oil in a colin-proof opaque container
3. a backup vial of Lantus insulin
4. apples apples
5. baby spinach
5 items in my (not so dream, more attainable reality) closet:

2. a new ring

3. this cool patagonia water girl top
4. a really waterproof jacket
5. ahhh... some order!
5 items in my car (okay, I don't have one, but imagine I did, or substitute AP's silver bullet):
1. a pencil in the glovebox
2. my dragonboat gear
3. emergency glucose tablets
4. an old read and re-read magazine
5. napkins
5 items in my purse:
1. my home/mobile/all-in-one link to "eastern" Canada cellphone
2. a perennially rotating collection of hair elastics
3. the insulin pen and silver tin of needletips with a favourite photo of AP & FatBoy & me in the lineup to the ferry
4. a minimalist set of cosmetic basics
5. my skytrain pass
5 people whom I’d like to tag:
1. Jenn
2. Magali
3. Hannelore
4. Shlepp
5. AP